Welcome to Nirvana Cakery, my creative outlet for all things I love.
I am Hana, plant-based food blogger, recipe developer and food photographer, living in London with my husband and our 14-year-old son.
I trained as a Ceramic Designer and Yoga Teacher and there was a time when all I wanted to do was work with clay and do yoga. Then life happened, motherhood happened, my priorities have changed.
Where I have truly found myself in these past few years is in my kitchen. It’s through wholefood, baking and cooking that I have found the connection back to me. Maybe it’s motherhood, maybe it’s age, maybe it’s my need of coming back to my roots…
I have grown up in the countryside spending most of my childhood running in meadows, fields, forests, swimming in lakes, gardening, cooking and baking. I was very much in touch with nature and very conscious about our connection to all living things. We lived a very sustainable life, growing most of our food, composting, recycling…
Then I came to live in London and I lost that part of me, part of me that I have slowly started to rediscover over the past few years, a way of living in harmony with myself, nature and flow of Life.
Nirvana Cakery blog was born out of my own personal needs, my healing journey and the need to step into my own light and share my joy with the world.
On this blog, you will find lots of baking recipes because baking has always been my meditation. I use only wholesome plant-based ingredients and minimal natural sweeteners in my baked treats that everyone can enjoy. I also love making raw cakes and quite a few of my recipes are raw. You will also find some savory meals on the blog but recently I have been focusing more on creating healthier desserts.
I am not here to preach, count calories, tell you what is healthy or not, I’m here to simply inspire you and share my joy with you. I create my recipes intuitively and within seasons.
For the past seven years, I’ve been on a journey to heal some health issues resulting from hormonal imbalance and I’ve been changing my diet as I’ve been exploring ways to return back to perfect health. For this and some other reasons I now follow a plant-based, gluten-free diet.
I’ve also started thinking a different way about food; we have chance several times a day to fuel our body the best way we can and by listening to our body, we all know which food feels good to us. I love to eat with seasons and you will find me every Saturday at my local Farmers Market stocking up on seasonal veggies and fruit supporting local farmers and community.
With my blog, I would love to inspire everyone who would love to join me on this journey.
I believe that it’s through the conscious compassionate choices that we make including the food we eat that we positively impact our health and well-being, one of our family, society and Mother Earth.
Wishing you much Love & Joy on your journey!
Hana xx
Contact Me
Please email me at hana@nirvanacakery.com with any questions that you have about one of my recipes or just to say Hi, I always love to hear from you. You can also send me a message via Instagram.